Wednesday, October 04, 2006


William Wallace and Messianic Freedom
I have a dream. I envision the return of our beloved Messiah and I imagine that it will happen as essentially outlined in the last page of my book, “Who is Israel?”

“One day soon the sky will part and a glorious Messiah Yeshua will be revealed. Seated on a white horse, the Prince who is Yisrael will sit tall in His saddle. In that day, Yeshua will be clothed in a robe dipped in blood and will have written on His thigh a title: King of Kings and LORD of Lords. “He also will have in His hand a scepter of two sticks that have been made one in His hand. In that moment, the whole world will behold His glory. He will then nudge His steed to move toward the Earth. In that instant, all who are His will be changed. The mortals who love Him will instantly become immortal. “In the twinkling of an eye, a redeemed people will find themselves seated on white horses. For they will have been prepared to forever serve their Master. They have been made ready to return and reign with their King. In that awesome moment, the answer to the Who is Israel question will be finally and forever answered. “May we, by His grace, prove to be part of that answer. “May we prove to be part of His redeemed people, Yisrael.”

As stated in this Blog description, I feel I have been “thrust to the forefront of religious controversy.” However, it is not my desire to be in the heat of a battle. I am the type of person who really wants everyone to love them. On the one hand, I would rather switch than fight, but on the other hand (and this hand always seems to win out), my Grandfather’s name was William Wallace Myers. You know William Wallace, the Scotsman who cried out for freedom just before they cut his head off (at least that is the way he is portrayed in Mel Gibson’s movie, “Braveheart” I don’t know if I am physically related to William Wallace, but I surely relate to him in the spirit. Like Wallace, I feel there are those who are of a greater number than we who would cut off our freedom, who would take away our inheritance, who would deny the non-Jew their rightful place as part of the chosen people of Israel (Eph 2:11-22; 1 Pet 1:1; 2:9-10). I refuse to let them have their way. Long live the heirs of William Wallace! Long live all who are like him in spirit!

Broken But Beautiful

When I was a new Believer in the early seventies, I went to a Catholic Charismatic Weekend Retreat. There was a lady there whose name I do not remember, but who moved in the prophetic (pretty edgy stuff at the time). At one point she said to me, “I perceive that you have experienced many hurts in your life and Jesus wants to restore you.” She continued, “I see you like a broken vase and I see Jesus putting the pieces of your life back together, but He is using pure gold as the glue.”
When she said this, she pronounced “vase” with a short “a” as in “ah.” Being in the antique business at the time, I had heard the joke that “the difference between a vase (long a) and a vase (short a) was about a hundred dollars.”
Her pronunciation silently spoke to me of a work of decided value and in my minds eye I saw a restored vase whose many cracked pieces were glued together, beautifully lined with pure gold delicately squeezing through the pieces.
The next week, while at a household sale and seeking goods for my antique shop, I looked down and saw a small oriental vase. An elegant golden taupe color, the vase had lines of gold on it, giving the appearance of pieces glued together with pure gold.
I bought the little vase (for only $1.00!) and to this day, it is one of my most prized possessions.
Truly we serve an awesome, benevolent, and artistic God! No matter how broken our lives might be, He can and will make something beautiful of the pieces if we will just allow Him to make the proper repairs.


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